• 9220 E. Mountain View Rd. Suite 102 Scottsdale, AZ 85258


  • Knee Pain and Function: Nonoperative Approaches to Managing Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

    Physical rehabilitation and osteopathic manipulative techniques can treat different aspects of “runner’s knee,” to alleviate tight muscles and tender points within the joint or muscle and increase range of motion.

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  • Why Triathletes Should Swim Different Strokes

    Shoulder health is a big deal for swimmers and triathletes. Overuse injuries due to muscular imbalances are common, painful, keep you from training, and can be expensive to treat. Swimming other strokes gives you an opportunity to strengthen other parts of the shoulder by using different movements

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  • An individualized approach to improve surgical outcomes after shoulder dislocation

    A dislocated shoulder is a common sports injury that can occur with a single swing of the tennis racket or an awkward fall on the field. Though popping the bone back into the socket may seem like a simple solution, the reality is more complex.

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  • Athletes - What to Do When You Get Hurt

    Whether you’re a weekend warrior, competitive athlete, regular recreational exerciser or simply an active individual, you know a nagging tendonitis or skin infection can halt you in your tracks. Instead of toughing it out, a sports medicine physician can get you back to an active lifestyle.

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  • Acromioplasty - Not a one-size-fits-all procedure

    Surgeons have performed acromioplasty to reduce pain and prevent rotator cuff disease progression since the 1970s. However, in the past decade, a number of randomized trials have brought the appropriate use of acromioplasty into question.

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